That all said, I have literally a quadzillion other projects that I'm always working on, so unless this gets a lot of user activity, once I'm satisfied with it for my own uses, it may just stop development in the blink of an eye so that I can focus my energies on some other pro...
You find yourselves in Etholmm... standing in front of Lukasz Gyzaengaxx... son of the famed arch-mage, Garold Gyzaengaxx. He regards you with a jaded eye as he opened a small, and quite likely magically-warded chest, sitting upon his desk..."So you...(Read More) More...
Pop that baby into the oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Keep a watchful eye over it so it doesn't overcook. The top of the cake will be easy to burn. Once it's done getting cooked you can take it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit., but you want to eat it when it's...