Great were my people in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me; knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity knowledge that belonged to Earth’s youth. Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among ...
Sometimes the “questionable” is completely literal. For example, this vintage wooden object. What is it? Seriously. I don’t know, and it’s driving me crazy. Doyouknow what this is? Iquestionthe choice of any shoe designer that decides that a black animal print against an cowhide orang...
The nine-year archive of Friday on My Mind can be found in the right hand side panel under the historic photo of me posing in the doorway of a stone cottage in Culloden, Scotland. I was born there, so claim birthright. From now, all Goodwills posts and Digressions columns will appear...
Only one register open. He told me it sucks to be you get in line!!! So I put my items on the nearest shelf and walked out along with 2 other people that were tired of standing g in line. No one wants to wait 20 min, and I'm being generous, to make a purchase. Y'all ...
“I’m sorry. And just what is my project? We’re away from the station now; do you think you can risk being open with me?” Oslo set his tea down. “Clever. Very clever, Friend. Yes, I was worried about bugs. We’ve found a planet, with a unique ecosystem. There may be ...