“everyone watches women’s sports” when he welcomed the team that won the 2023 National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) championship, NY/NJ Gotham FC, to the White House. (Another disclosure: I am a Gotham FC season ticket holder). During the Paris Olympics, versions of the shirts in ...
Our NJ Good Will Stores charge a flat rate of 4.99 to 6.99 for a skirt, about 8 dollars for a regular day dress. A super fancy gown loaded with lace and crystals could go between 10 and 30 bucks. The only thing thats really shot up is wedding gowns, I notice they edge towards 50...
Edwin Brit Wyckoff recorded in the book, The Man who Invented Basketball: James Naismith and His Amazing Game (Enslow Publishers, Inc, Berkeley Heights, NJ, 2008), that Naismith said: "It was with a firm determination and a great...