We could haul from an upstairs apartment, she contacted Good Will industries to donate a rather expensive reclining couch , ornate wood framed bed , furniture I had hand made in the 80's , antique Art work , recumbent bike , the list goes on , she told the receptionist it was upstairs ...
http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/07/30/does-goodwill-industries-exploit-disabled-workers/ jon Posted at 18:09h, 15 December Reply Here in Colorado the stores have gone up 200% in just 1.5 yrs. I don’t shop there anymore because of their prices. Yard sales are more fun an...
Goodwill Industries Годоснования 1930 Сотрудники 1001 - 5000 Головнойофис СоединенныеШтаты, Калифорния, San Diego Годовойдоход $2M - $5M Отрасль ...