“The male child is approximately 2 years old and is unable to give his name or the names of his parents or relatives,” the department initially posted about the boy. This 2-year-old boy knew how old he was, but not his name after being abandoned at a Goodwill drop-off in Southaven...
According to Dell, the Goodwill program's 567 drop-off locations across the U.S. now offer statewide coverage in Virginia, Michigan, and New Jersey. The partnership is called Reconnect, which also covers portions of California and other U.S. states....
If using decorative lights, don't place them in obstructive places. 2. Do not overload your workstation with decorations that will interfere with your daily duties. 3. Don't forget to turn off and/or unplug all lights at the end of your workday. 4. Do not use hot lights; they can...