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Known for his roles in "Dr. Strangelove" and as a crooked police captain in "The Godfather,"Sterling Hayden’sacting credits date back to 1941. Before he was an actor, Hayden was asea voyager and captain, sailing around the world as a teenager and earning his first command at the age o...
I'm not really bound by anything, but when I signed on I had to give a short phrase that would kind of capture my intentions. And I said then, "I hope to use dialogue and culture as a means of bringing people of various cultures together, and using that as a way to resolve confli...
Whenever you have a choice of two or more ways to make a phrase or sentence nonsexist, choose the alternative that is the smoothest and least conspicuous. The following examples use these methods to revise sentences a and b above. 1. Use plural nouns and pronouns. Nonsexist: a. ...
安全工器具包括防止触电、灼伤、坠落、摔跌、中毒、窒息、火灾、雷击、淹溺等事故或职业危害,保障( )的个体防护装备、绝缘安全工器具、登高工器具、安全围栏(网)和标志、牌等专用工具和器具的管理应符合《国家电网公司电力安全工器具管理规定[国网(安监)14)289-2014]。答案:()