Good walls make good neighbors.Features specially designed masonry or drywall fire walls. Features of the USG Area Separation Walls from USG Corp.; Importance of privacy in townhouses and multiple residential projects; Tests and features applicable to residential fire wall performance....
2)Assembly | Malala Fund How they use this technique: They embrace variable text lengths by putting posts in a “masonry” grid. Instead of trying to make sure the headline and first sentence of each post is the same length, the Assembly site chose to use a masonry-style g...
Good-by to all that.Focuses on the construction project for the Inside/Outside Building of Best Products Co. Inc. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1985. Installation of a thermal glass wall; Information on the assemblage of masonry and metal.EBSCO_AspArchitectural Record...
The article discusses a court case filed by Nicholas Bettany against Masonry Design Solutions Limited (MDSL:) for unjustified dismissal. MDSL filed a counter claim against Bettany for breach of employment and inappropriate use of the telephone in which case, MDSL asked for a sum of 18,000 ...