GR/IR(Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt)科目在SAP系统中用于收货和发票不同步时相关账务处理。SAP设计之初是将GR/IR作为一个表外科目,期末针对各采购订单和到货/到票情况进行科目清算、清账和余额重组。相较于其他ERP厂商所使用的"单道冲回"、"单道补差"具有如下优势: 实现预付款发票录入,期末根据收货/收票情况进行...
6. ME11 - 创建目标Plant和Purchasing Org下的Pruchasing Info record。 7. MIGO - Goods Receipt > Purchase Order/Other,如果选Purchase Order的话,Item明细上方的那个+号按钮,输入Material No,Qty,Plant,S.Loc.Vendor等信息,保存。 正常情况,完成以上步骤应该可以自动创建一个针对该笔收货的PO,但这时候会出现...
SAP Tcode MB01 Description Post Goods Receipt for PO Package MB Program Name SAPMM07M Screen Number 200 Transaction Type T Module Materials Management ► Inventory Management The SAP TCode MB01 is used for the task: Post Goods Receipt for PO. The TCode belongs to the MB package.Top...
As before, use Goods Receipt for Purchase Order (transaction MIGO) to post goods receipts for purchase orders.You can enter the quantity for goods receipts in both units of measure. If you enter the quantity in the base unit only, it needs to be converted into the valuation unit using the...
A goods receipt in the WMS can be triggered by several business transactions in various components of the SAP system. The corresponding reference document in the WMS triggers the goods receipt: Reference documents for goods receipt in the WMS Application Component Relevant WMS Document Inventory...
在自己测试的过程中,发现了一个之前从没有遇到过的问题:MB1B 加移动类型321 将质检库存释放到可用库存的事务界面里,输入物料号,数量等信息后,回车,系统弹出一个小窗口,提示:Enter Goods Receipt Number, 如下图: 什么原因的导致的?如何让这个小窗口不显示?
Logistics → Production → KANBAN → Environment → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order → PO Number UnknownTransaction MIGO technical data table Tcode MIGO Purpose Goods Movement Module MM Component MM-IM SAP Package MB Program running SAPLMIGO Screen No ...
SAP S/4HANA streamlines Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt (GR/IR) reconciliation using machine learning and efficient processes. It eliminates period-close bottlenecks by providing real-time data and easy access to relevant business information. This improves efficiency and effectiveness throughout the ...
Return to Stock from Delivery T-code LT0G - Enter warehouse number - Enter Inbound delivery number and click on execute button (F8) - Click on button“Return to Stock” This will return the stock from fixed bins to interim storage type for goods receipt and also create reverse transfer orde...
GR/IR 英文全称是Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt,和中国的物资采购/材料采购科目类似,看看国内对类似科目的相关描述:原企业会计制度设置“物资采购”会计科目核算企业购入材料、商品等 的采购成本,无论企业采用实际成本还是采用计划成本进行材料、商品的日常核算,均可以使用本科目。1.对于工业企业可以将本科目改为“材料采...