sale of goods Act Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 sale名— 出售名 · 买卖名 · 拍卖名 · 销售额名 · 廉价出售名 act名— 法案名 · 行为名 · 行动名 · 装模作样名...
1979年《货物买卖法》SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 PART I CONTRACTS TO WHICH ACT APPLIES 第一部分法所适用之合同 1. Contracts to which Act applies 1、本法所适用之合同 (1) This Act applies to contracts of sale of goods made on or after (but not to those made before) 1 January 1894. (1)本...
1979年《货物买卖法》SALE_OF_GOODS_ACT_1979-预案.doc,1979年《货物买卖法》SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 PART I CONTRACTS TO WHICH ACT APPLIES 第一部分 法所适用之合同 1. Contracts to which Act applies 1、本法所适用之合同 (1) This Act applies to contracts of sale o
1.—(1) This Act applies to contracts of sale of goods made on or after (but not to ...
1979年《货物买卖法》SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979.doc,1979年《货物买卖法》SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 PART I CONTRACTS TO WHICH ACT APPLIES 第一部分 法所适用之合同 1. Contracts to which Act applies 1、本法所适用之合同 (1) This Act applies to contracts of sale of goo
of the Contract Document Generated 2011-07-21 Changes to legislation There are currently no known outstanding effects for the Sale of Goods Act 1979 See end of Document for details 2 Nothing in this s L-乳酸是高新技术的生物工程产品阜南县是安徽省的产粮大县有丰富的粮食资源以粮食为原料进行深...
goodsactsalecontract法学货物 Changestolegislation:TherearecurrentlynoknownoutstandingeffectsfortheSaleofGoodsAct1979.(SeeendofDocumentfordetails)SaleofGoodsAct19791979CHAPTER54AnActtoconsolidatethelawrelatingtothesaleofgoods.[6thDecember1979]Annotations:CommencementInformationI1Actwhollyinforceat1.1.1980,sees.64(2)...
The Sale of Goods Act ("SGA") was recently amended by the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1996. . . These amendments, spread over various sections of the SGA, have been done in a cautious fashion to address specific problems in specific sections. That the problems were so widespread may ...
英国货物销售法Sales of Goods Act 1979,官方下载 Changes to legislation There are currently no known outstanding effects for the Sale of Goods Act 1979 See end of Document for details Sale of Goods Act 1979 1979 CHAPTER 54 An A
图书The Sale of Goods ACT, 1893: Including the Factors Acts, 1889 & 1890 / By M. D. Chalmers 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐