Goods and Services Template with a Shop in BackgroundCopy Template Copy Template Make Your Own If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!
We do not want this. We just want that when we click on a specific Sales dimension the system unfilters the old selections and then creates the new one automatically. We then need to associate a VBA macro to the Slicers and then creating the buttons (form control) in the worksheet, hid...
I-08.03 (a) FIFO perpetual: Date 1-Jan 5-Jan Purchases 7,000 X $21 = $147,000 Sales 12-Jan 9,000 @ $35 = $315,000 Perpetual inventory - application of methods Cost of Goods Sold Balance 5,000 X $20 = $100,000 17-Jan 4,000 X $22 = $ 88,000 26-Jan 31-Jan 3,000 @...