Goods and Services Tax Act) AcronymDefinition GSTA Gay Straight Trans Alliance GSTA Giant Screen Theater Association (now Giant Screen Cinema Association) GSTA Glutathione S-Transferase Alpha GSTA Goods and Services Tax Act (Australia) GSTA Garden State Towman’s Association GSTA Girl Scout Troop...
系统标签: tax excise imposition recipients act goods Note:AnelectronicversionofthisActisavailableinSCALEplus ( ANewTaxSystem(GoodsandServices TaxImposition(Recipients)—Excise)Act 2005 No.2,2005 AnActtoimplementANewTaxSystemby imposingthetaxpayab...
Examines the effect of goods and services tax (GST) on fund raising in the not-for-profit sector in Australia. Overview of the Goods and Services Tax Act; Case study on the application of GST to fund raising activities such as school fete; Alternative approaches to fund raising.Fiona Martin...
Porsche Cars Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 004 327 048) of 109-111 Victoria Parade, Collingwood VIC 3066 (PCA) purchases Goods and/or Services on the following terms and conditions (Terms). These Terms, together with the relevant Purchase Order, apply to every purchase of any Goods and / or Serv...
Posted inmarketplace (goods & services)by ashleyhannebrink on December 7, 2011 By Ashley Hannebrink As we continue the holiday series, eighteenth-century inspired drink would provide a fitting accompaniment to Monday’s fantastic musical selection and yesterday’s feast. Cheers!
1.To package (cargo) in large standardized containers for efficient shipping and handling. 2.To adapt (an industry or shipping operation) to the use of such containers. v.intr. To convert to the use of containerized cargo. con·tain′er·i·za′tion(-tā′nər-ĭ-zā′shən)n....
英语翻译X provides supplies to Y,some of which are connected with Australia.In accordance with Division 83 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (as amended),X and Y hereby agree that any GST payable on taxable supplies made b
新 加坡現行規管貨品買賣活動的《貨品銷售法令》(Sale of GoodsAct)(第393章 ),基本上是將英國《1979年貨品銷售法令》引進 新加坡後另立的法律。 [...] Western Australia was the proper law, and thattheAct(Sale of Goods Act1895[WA]) applied ...
A method and system for reserving future purchases of goods or services or events. Electronic options are provided for desired goods or services or events. Electronic options, elect
Australia's national interests and international obligations. Australia's export controls are contained in legislation that includes the Customs Act 1901, the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (DTCA), Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prevention of Proliferation) Act 1995 and Military End-Use provisions (...