GST (Goods and Service Tax) nella versione indiana di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 CU 65Applies ToDynamics NAV 2016 Il governo prevede di introdurre una nuova imposta denominata "Goods & Service Tax (GST)" dal 01-lug-2017. L'imposta su beni ...
The voucher system for the project’s value added tax-free status, in respectoflocalpurchaseofgoodsandservices, continues to be implemented. 该项目通过凭单制度在当地采购货物和服务享受免增值税地位做法将继续 得到执行。
from $295 billion to $415 billion. This inventory buildup is considered investment in inventories, and as such is added to GDP growth. When inventories get whittled down, the reduction is subtracted from GDP.
and errorduring the early Meiji period. However, we notice the substantial continuity of therevenue of local governments. This was heavily dependent on wealthy farmers,landowners, or local wealthy people paying local taxes, in addition to nationaltaxes, such as the reformed “land tax.” The ...
Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition teaches beginners the essentials of Python quickly so that they can build practical programs and develop powerful programming techniques. 作者简介 埃里克·马瑟斯(Eric Matthes) ,高中科学和数学老师,现居住在阿拉斯加,在当地讲授Python入门课程。他从5岁开始就一直在编写程序。