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Comment Thank you Respond as company Helpful (0) Miranda N. Cameroon 3 reviews 3 helpful votes Not bad July 18th, 2019 Well I've been using the app for a while now and its not bad at all. Unlike other free online apps though you pay to read the really good stuff in this app...
Moreover, if you happen to be a friend of mine on and you want to be very very kind… Well, the funny thing about Smashwords is that even such a small ebook gets a listing on Goodreads. And I can always use reviews. So, wanna read and then quickly rate a few stars ...
转:Goodreads上作者哥哥对书中陈述不实的指控 作者的家人在书出版大约半年后,指控作者在书中多处描述并不属实,属于编造,例如对韩国的记忆(作者一岁就去了美国)、家庭的经济状况(家有奔驰凯迪拉克)、故乡俄勒冈小镇上唯一的亚裔家庭(有普查数据显示他们甚至并不是唯一的韩裔)等等。在网上快速搜了一下,没看到作者的...
GoodReadsfor a record of thebooksI’ve read. LibraryThingto catalog thebooks I own. (But really, I haven’t taken a whack at this giant task in months. It’s not a priority.) Facebooktokeep in touchwith friends and family. Say what you will, I love Facebook. Today, out of the ...
I don't have a problem finding books to read. What I need is someone who can warn me about the books that everyone else seems to love." current results based on stuff you already liked, model the past as identical to the future, based on who you are/were not who you want or ...
find the repeated info clarifying though. It’s not a book you will want to leave unfinished. His story of survival and even of using his condition productively (eventually) is amazing. The man should be dead a hundred times over but has lived through his (understandable) death wish to ...
But parents may want to limit how much information people can find out about their children. On Goodreads, children can find thousands of books appropriate for their age group. You can find everything from picture books for those not yet old enough to read to classics like J.R.R. Tolkien...
find out what book you should be reading next ( there are very few free content recommendation systems that suggest books last I checked ), what are the details of every book you have read, create a word cloud from the books you want to read - all possible approaches to exploring this ...