About Goodreads Goodreads operates as an online platform for readers and book recommendations. Its platform offers users access to share their reviews and read books online. The company was founded in 2007 and is based in San Francisco, California. In March 2013, Goodreads was acquired by Amazon...
2014. Goodreads allows to import books, purchased on AmazonGoodreads users can now automatically transfer the print and ebooks they’ve purchased on Amazon into their Goodreads accounts. One benefit of linking the accounts, according to Goodreads, is that “more books added to your Goodreads ...
Discover stories that matter to you, from readers like you. Goodreads is the world's largest community of readers. Find new and interesting books by browsing p…
Goodreads is an American social cataloging website that allows individuals to search its database of books, annotations, quotes, and reviews. Users...
quotes_dat$text#> [1] "“was zero in 1914; a year after the end of World War I, it was 50%. Canada introduced income tax in 1917 as a “temporary” measure to finance the war, and then expanded it dramatically during World War II with a flat 20% surtax imposed on all income ta...
Like Unsworth, many of us have lost something since our childhood reading days. To put it simply, we’ve lost the “lostness”—the sheer abandonment children can experience when they give themselves wholeheartedly to their imagination. As we grow older, perhaps we become too distracted and re...
But parents may want to limit how much information people can find out about their children. On Goodreads, children can find thousands of books appropriate for their age group. You can find everything from picture books for those not yet old enough to read to classics like J.R.R. Tolkien...
What will make you choose it over Goodreads is its feature that lets you save thoughts and quotes. Bookly helps you digitally annotate your books and save your favorite quotes by speaking out loudly, snapping a pic, or typing it out. What you’ll also find exciting about Bookly is the ...
romance story. But it became something much more than that. It taught me so much about Stockholm, it had mystery and thriller elements, and it was the perfect summer read. This is also the book that made me fall in love with Karen Swan’s writing, and read more books by her this ...
Not mentioned here is the series of How to books bearing Stan’s name, packaged by Dynamite and published by Watson-Guptil. I co-wrote the How to Write Comics volume and was handed an outline that Stan clearly had a hand in creating. He answered emails from me about things he wanted ...