Thankfully, Apple has come to its senses, adding an honest-to-goodness buttonto the Camera app just for disabling the Macro mode in iOS 15.2. While there are a lot of good things in this update, this feature itself is justification enough to hit the update button.How to quickly disable...
After skipping the Dolphins due to the ho-hum history between the two teams, we havean honest-to-goodness divisional rivallined up to talk about this week. As is custom, our question concerns the defining moment in the history of this particular rivalry, which is between the Falcons and the...
On a larger scale, this means that the international community must adopt measures that force Israel to comply with international resolutions and to sit in good faith at the negotiations table. 在更大的范围内,这意味着国际社会必须采取措施,迫使以色列遵守国际决议并真诚地坐到谈判桌旁来。 UN-2 ...
Pink doesn’t feature heavily in the Bible, but there are three main associations. The first is with new life, and the second is with the Father’s heavenly care. The third is with the Rose of Sharon. This biblical flower isn’t what we refer to today as a rose, but was likely mor...
How great is Your goodness which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have bestowed before the sons of men on those who take refuge in You!King James BibleOh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them ...
Bible Teacher A Case For Confessional Membership R Scott Clark Great is thy Faithfulness JJ Lim Peace with God JJ Lim What “Sheol” Means in the Bible Andrew Compton Why Is the Atonement Necessary, Since God Foreordained Who Would Be Elect? Ken Jones The Government Shall Be upon His Shoulde...
ETHICS in the BibleRELIGION & ethicsPHILOSOPHICAL anthropologyModules in ethics have become astonishingly popular at the University of the Western Cape. This could reflect students' concern about morality, but the saying by Lafargue in Tao te ching in the title suggests that moral ...
PLUSSave 20% on yearly plans and access $3,100 worth of biblical study resources on the go! Upgrade toBible Gateway Plusand get the best value in digital Bible study. Resources forPsalm 145 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias
Psalm 78:2 Parables in Hebrew means comparisons, or any sayings with deeper meaning, which are to be understood via the hidden comparison; in this case, the parable is the whole psalm. This passage is used by Mt 13:35 as a foreshadowing of Christ’s teaching in parables (see also Ps ...
“God created people in such a way that they resemble the image the dual characteristics of God and created all things in such a way that they resemble Him symbolically. Applied to the theory of art, this means that an artist produces works of art in resemblance to his or he...