Goodman-Kruskal gamma 可以测量顺序变量之间的相关性,它可以由 g 来表示。当 |g| = 1 时,存在完美的相关性。如果 X 和 Y 是独立的,则 g = 0。 有序地记录在二进制日志注册表中。
Goodman-Kruskal gamma (γ) 表示存在的一致对的个数减去不一致对的个数除以扣除了结个数的配对总个数。可以使用 Goodman-Kruskal gamma 度量顺序变量之间的关联。 当|γ| = 1 时,存在完全相关。在顺序和二元 Logistic 回归中,如果 X 和 Y 不相关,则γ = 0。
两个向量的 Goodman–Kruskal : In[1]:= In[3]:= Out[3]= 矩阵的 Goodman–Kruskal : In[1]:= In[2]:= 两个矩阵的 Goodman–Kruskal : In[1]:= In[2]:= In[3]:= 计算双变量分布的 Goodman–Kruskal : In[1]:= In[2]:= 与仿真数值比较: In[3]:= 范围(7) 应用(3) 属性...
Goodman-Kruskal gamma (γ) 表示存在的一致对的个数减去不一致对的个数除以扣除了结个数的配对总个数。可以使用 Goodman-Kruskal gamma 度量顺序变量之间的关联。 当|γ| = 1 时,存在完全相关。在顺序和二元 Logistic 回归中,如果 X 和 Y 不相关,则γ = 0。
On the resulting bivariate ordinal random variable, one can compute Goodman and Kruskal's gamma coefficient, $$\\gamma $$ γ , which is a common measure of ordinal association. Given the known analytical monotonic relationship between Pearson's $$ho $$ ρ and Kendall's rank correlation $$au...
GoodmanKruskalGammaTest[v1, v2] 检验向量 v1 与 v2 是否独立. GoodmanKruskalGammaTest[…, "property"] 返回 "property" 的值.
(1967). A partial coefficient for Goodman and Kru skal's Gamma. American Statistical Association Journal , 62 , 189-193.Davis JA. A partial coefficient for Goodman and Kruskal's gamma. J Am Statist Assoc 1967;69:174-180.Davis JA. A partial coefficient for Goodman and Kruskal's gamma. J...
Andri Signorell
This study was motivated by the question which type of confidence interval (CI) one should use to summarize sample variance of Goodman and Kruskal's coefficient gamma. In a Monte-Carlo study, we investigated the coverage and computation time of the Goodman-Kruskal CI, the Cliff-consistent CI,...
Application of Goodman- Kruskal's Gamma for ordinal data in comparing several ordered treatments: a different approach. Biometr J. 1999; 41:491-8.Chen M, Kianifard F (1999) Application of Goodman-Kruskal’s gamma for ordinal data in comparing several ordered treatments: a different approach. ...