The very long line of Chinese firms waiting to be approved for listing on the Chinese stock exchanges provides a context for testing whether the Chinese governmJia, WeishiPownall, GraceZhao, JingranSocial Science Electronic PublishingJia, Weishi, Grace Pownall, and Jingran Zhao, 2014, Does the ...
Excess return has a positive relation to the job growth rate, but not to firm rank, on a pre-listing basis. However, the additional analysis reveals that the firms with a more favourable ranking are relatively small and have a higher job growth rate, low employee turnover, high betas and...
Overseas listingRecently, the presumed benefits of corporate social responsibility have become an important issue, especially for China where institutional settings are quite different from other parts of the world. Using an internationally accepted benchmark (OECD's Principles of Corporate Governance, ...
Why listing of insurance firms is good for youShaikh Zoaib Saleem
Consistent with predictions, at-risk firms with better prospects have larger income-increasing accruals, while those with poorer prospects tend to implement RSS or become delisted, with the latter group having the lowest imputed listing benefits....