Quotes For Coworkers Whether your coworker is leaving for a new job, parental leave, or retirement, you’re definitely going to miss them around the office. So check out the quotes below or visit our resource onwhat to write in a retirement card. “Great is the art of beginning, but g...
We have curated the best handpicked, heartfelt goodbye quotes, sayings, messages, wishes, farewell quotes, and wishes for your loved ones who are bidding a farewell soon either by time or distance. Life is a string of events of meeting people and bidding them goodbye. People change, relati...
Whether offering best wishes to coworkers as they depart for a new job or parting ways in a relationship, a little piece of your heart will always go with those you say farewell to. 126. “Being able to say goodbye is a sign of growth.”― Gustavo Cerati 127. “It’s going to be...