For Your Own Retirement These examples will help you inform your employer of your intended retirement. This will likely be a more formal letter that includes several key details. In fact, your boss or HR department might want to guide you in providing the information in writing they need to ...
Writing a goodbye letter is a formal way to inform that you are leaving forever. There are several situations when you may required to write this, such as to your colleagues on your retirement or leaving for a new job, leaving your spouse or girl/ boyfriend for some personal reasons. Annou...
“Please accept this as formal notice of my retirement, effective April 1, 20XX. As you know, I have had many health struggles lately, and I wish to spend more time with my family.” “It’s harder than you would think for me to write this email. However, I would like to announce ...
I’ll be cheering you on from retirement. 8 This internship has helped me learn so much about [field], and I couldn’t have done it without the support of you all. Thank you, and I hope to keep in touch: [insert appropriate link here]. 9 I’m going to miss working with you—...
The problem with private savings is that Americans do not save enough for their retirement. They never have. And even if they tried to do so, they would be duped out of their savings by Wall Street. Thus, the best solution would be to eliminate government support for pension plans and in...
they corresponded every day. The letters were relegated to a file case in my parents retirement home. After Dad passed away, I asked my brother to send me the entire collection. Daddy had meant to write a book about his India experiences, but life got in the way. I inherited the thousan...
But even more telling when it comes toDonald Trump’s disinterest in actual policyis what the 2016 Republican Party platform declared about health care and retirement income for future seniors. After a year of promising Americans he would “save Social Security and Medicare without cuts,” nominee...
Khim’s ornate hat was one of about twenty made by Khai, whereas her stylish top was gifted to her by her youngest sister Mee Kin Woon (温美京) about 40 years ago in Penang before Khim’s retirement from teaching. The dress was designed and made by Khim’s younger sister Yean Kin W...