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Goodbye Song再见歌 Spin around Jump up high Ok! Clap your hands Sit down Stand up 1,2,3,4 Goodbye, goodbye, see you again Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends Goodbye, goodbye, I had fun today I had fun today Stomp your feet Shake your body Stand still Ok! Stomp your feet Turn ...
See You Again(Goodbye Song) - The Music Circle/Amanda Yap Lyrics by:Clarence Yap Composed by:Clarence Yap Time flies when where having fun And now it's time to say see you again And though with that to stay and play Let's save it for another day So tell me again in a ...
Goodbye Song - 贝瓦儿歌 Clap your hands Spin around Jump up high OK Clap your hands Sit down Stand up 1 2 3 4 Goodbye goodbye see you again Goodbye goodbye see you my friends Goodbye goodbye I had fun today I had fun today Stomp your feet Shake your body Stand still OK Stomp your ...
The Goodbye Song 再见歌中英文歌词The Goodbye Song再见歌 Clap your hands拍拍你的手 Spin around转圈 Jump up highOk!高高跳起 Clap your hands拍拍你的手 Sit down请坐 Stand up1, 2, 3, 4起立1, 2, 3, 4 Goodbye, goodbye see you again再见再见我们很快再见 Goodbye, goodbye,seeyou my friends再见...
《【英文经典儿歌♫05】Goodbye Song 再见歌(中英文字幕/三遍)》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Goodbye goodbye see you againGoodbye goodbye see you my friendsGoodbye goodbye I had fun todayI had fun today Stomp your feetShake your bodyStand stillOk!Stomp your feetTurn leftTurn right1 2 3 4 Goodbye goodbye see you againGoodbye goodbye see you my friendsGoodbye goodbye I had fun today...
【歌词】 Clap your hands Spin around Jump up high Ok! Clap your hands Sit down Stand up 1,2,3,4 拍拍手 转一圈 高高跳起 好! 拍拍手 坐下来 站起来 1、2、3、4 Goodbye, goodbye, see you again Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends ...
The Goodbye Song 再见歌 歌词和译文 Clap your hands Spin around Jump up high Ok! Clap your hands Sit down Stand up 1,2,3,4 拍拍手 转一圈 高高跳起 好! 拍拍手 坐下来 站起来 1、2、3、4 Goodbye, goodbye, see you again Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends ...