Also ranks #3 on The Best '90s Zombie Movies, Ranked Also ranks #6 on The Best '80s Zombie Movies, Ranked Also ranks #12 on Horror Sequels That Make Great Standalone Films 80 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde Legally Blonde 148 votes Meet Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon), a Harvar...
The Best Netflix Sci-Fi Series, Ranked The 95+ Best Mystery Shows On Netflix, Ranked The Best Horror Movies On Netflix The Best Zombie Movies On Netflix Fantastically Bizarre Horror Films Now Streaming On Netflix The 25+ Best Netflix Superhero Shows, RankedTRENDING...
Although most of the horror movies in this list want to scare you to death, Shaun of the Dead tries quite the contrary. Edgar Wright's beloved comedy turns a zombie apocalypse into a hilarious parody that still stands the test of time. The story follows Shaun, a 30-something man who des...
Although most of the horror movies in this list want to scare you to death, Shaun of the Dead tries quite the contrary. Edgar Wright's beloved comedy turns a zombie apocalypse into a hilarious parody that still stands the test of time. The story follows Shaun, a 30-something man who de...
The Good Mother, 2023. Directed by Miles Joris-Peyrafitte. Starring Hilary Swank, Olivia Cooke, Jack Reynor, Dilone, Hopper Penn, Norm Lewis, Karen Aldridge, Frank Alfano, Laurent Rejto, Nate Francis, Mikayla Schaefer, and Cliff Ware. ...
Jennifer Jones is my favorite actress of the Golden Age, but if I'd first seen her in Good Morning, Miss Dove, I would never want to see another of her movies again. I don't know what happened to make her give such an uninspired performance, nor do I know why she agreed to make...
Then, The Korean Zombie, Violent Bob Ross, and Thug Rose. Theyre all epic nicknames for MMA fighters, but whose is the best? The guys list their Top 5 MMA nicknames of all time. And, as always, we Tap in or Tap out. So, who has the best side hustle&Tai Tuivasa or ...
2.5 average Zombiejoejoe | July 5th 18 4.0 excellent IsoSubject5 | July 4th 18 4.0 excellent SIIMBOLIC | June 15th 18 3.0 good Harlzenberg | June 12th 18 4.0 excellent ZeddSquared | June 10th 18 3.0 good cardonaj | June 7th 18 3.0 good NordicNorth | May 26th 18 3.0 good Lee Whea...
Zombie (uncredited) 1 The Prototype (I) (2022) Sonny Scozzari Party Teen (uncredited) 1 Tent City, USA (2011) Howard Booth Kwikki Chick Employee (uncredited) 1 Tru Loved (2008) Phill Lewis Johnny's Dad (uncredited) 1 Heathers (1988) Denim Richards Goolagon (uncredited)...
For example, bothDawn of the DeadandArmy of the Deadfeature some inventively gruesome zombie kills, but neither movie claims to be a grand philosophical treatise on morality or humanity. They are gory, fun horror movies, with James Gunn’s blackly comic script and a heist plot lightening the...