DayZ is one of the earlier such games and spent five years as an early access title. Before becoming a game of its own, it was a mod for ARMA 2, a realistic military shooter. It takes the basics of a survival game – crafting, health stats, open world, scarce resources – and adds...
本吧热帖: 1-【荒木のdayz教学】大型教学forDAYZ1.10 带你体验dayz核心乐趣!! 2-【DAYZ主机吧吧规、删帖封禁申精标准、吧务守则汇总 2021新版】 3-XBOX求固定队友 4-Ps5蹲队友 5-Xbox来一两个长期稳定玩1pp的,爱打架,心态好,认识图 6-Xbox键鼠来一个队友。 7-找队友啊啊
熟悉我的朋友应该都知道,我玩dayz是那种喜欢从游戏内找乐趣的人,不太喜欢模式化天天干架或者天天就搁那种地打猎。 今天也是脑子一热,看到个DIAO丝就想调戏,但是想抬枪打脚的那一刻,我又想做一个我很少做的事情:如果给与一个陌生人完完全全的信任,会是什么样呢? 荒木涉1994 1-21 15 【荒木のdayz教学】...