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War has come to the world and when all the radioactive dust settles there will only be room for one superpower. Welcome to World Supremacy, the latest game from Malfador Machinations, developer of the acclaimed Space Empires series! Released today by Shrapnel Games, World Supremacy is ...
This massively multiplayer WW2 combat game effortlessly encompasses all of the explosions and excitement that planes and tanks are capable of. Not sure where to start? Our War Thunder tips will help point your tank’s cannon in the right direct...
WW2 troop numbers. The generals sat and the lines on the map moved from side to side. Rerun: Water pump. What happened. Traveling through...
This week he explains why some Canadian troops in WW2 fighting in Italy drank British beer while some of the British fighting there drank Canadian beer. Boak and Bailey in their footnotes posed a question about the cartoon in Pellicle last Friday: …cartoonist David Bailey seems to be arguing ...