The doctor, like most of them, tried to insist on talking to me – because waiting for Gummy to ponder a question and then, sooo sloooowwwly, whisper the answer, cost money, I guess. Or maybe he thought he was stupid as well as slow. In any case, as always, I glared and told ...
While the viral popularity of the game may (probably will) fade before the end of 2022,WordTips saysthe powers that be at Wordle have enough winning words to last until 2028. Now, we here in Michigan think they could last even longer if they added these Michigan-specific words to mix: ...
At the very end of this segment we begin to hear the strains of cello music. In the final moments a young man is seen hurrying along the bridge toward the scene of the accident. … Damiel looks up and cedes his place to the young man, who places his hands on the dying man’s shou...
Remember, the reason people are excited about zone 2 training is that it helps you build your aerobic base and burn calories without incurring much fatigue. Guess what zone 3 trainingalsodoes? Yep, it helps you build your aerobic base, burn evenmorecalories, and usually only incur a tiny bi...
Suck it up and move on I guess. I do have a medical reason for part of the delay. A note from my doctor if you will. A bit over a month ago I had cataract surgery. Cataracts, a fairly normal condition as one ages, is a clouding in the lens. The remedy is to break apart ...
to do just that. Basically, it's two buttons — one for you and one for your partner — that you can press whenever you're interested in having sex. If your partner has also pressed their button, you'll both be notified with a "swirling glow." Then you just have sex, I guess?
Like every holiday over the past year, Valentine's Day will need to be a little different this time around (unless you want to be a public health risk, I guess). One of the biggest annual occasions for a date night out on the town will most likely be spent with your partner on the...
I don't have to guess here, because the movie says as much in so many words. What it actually delivers, though, is a big sloppy pile of WTF. SEE ALSO: 7 moments from 'This Is Us' that will make your heart swell Life Itself is the new film directed by Dan Fogelman, best known...