答案:A.根据The speaker was very good at describing feelings.可以知到这名演讲者非常擅长描述情感,所以可以推断出后一句应该表示他话的力量感动了每一位听众,所以知道正确A.power力量.其他几个选项中,B.quality质量;C.opinion观点;D.influence影响,都没有感染力的意思. 句意:这名演讲者非常擅长描述情感,他话的...
B.And use kind words when describing yourself.C.Understand the reason why life needs kindness.D.Kindness means doing something caring for others.E.So if you are kind to others,they will be kind to you.F.Understanding kindness can bring a lot of good to you.G.Kindness ...
1.A favorable comment:She put in a good word for me. 2.Favorable news. have a word with To have a brief conversation with (someone); speak to. have no words for To be unable to describe or talk about. in a word In short; in summary:In a word, the situation is serious. ...
Trytodosomethingyouenjoy,whilekeepinginmindthatyou'redoingitforothers,andseeifyoucanturnkindnessinto a habit. (5)___ Trytofindwayseachdaytobekindtoyourself,likereading a bookorlisteningtoyourfavouritesong.Usekindwordswhendescribingyourselforthethingsyouhavedonethatday. A.Anactofkindnesscangiveyou a sen...
When someone asks, “How are you?” should you say you are good? Or that you are well? Today let's look at the difference between these two words, good vs. well, to better understand when and how to use each correctly. Good vs. Well ...
When you’re writing, especially when you’rewriting descriptively, it’s time to set downgoodand pick up some more evocative words. If you’re talking about a day with good weather, you could describe it asbalmy,crisp, orpleasant. If you are describing someone’s character, you could say...
Use kind wordswhen describing yourself or the things you havedone.1. Paragraph 2 mainy tells usA. how we can be kindB. what kindness meansC. kindness is good fr usD. how we can bring more kindness to ourife2. /hatisthepurposeofParagraph3?A. To show the way of helping others.B....
1) used when describing what someone's job, duty, or position is 作为;身为 He works as a taxi driver. 他是个出租车司机. He is famous as an actor. 作为演员,他很有名. 2) like 像;如同 They were all dressed as clowns. 他们都打扮成小丑. keep up 1) move, make ...
No doubt you want to include words that make you look desirable to a mate. You don't want to be so revealing or transparent that there's nothing left to the imagination, or even worse, you scare people away. Similarly to when you're describing yourself professionally, you want to appear...