Robin Williams在“Good Will Hunting”(《心灵捕手》)中最经典的一段台词,中英文对照双语版。用心研读来表达对罗宾的缅怀! 长图 û收藏 131 36 ñ111 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...
罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 演员 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgard 演员 明妮·德里弗 Minnie Driver 演员 饰Skylar 卡西·阿弗莱克 Casey Affleck 演员 科尔·豪瑟 Cole Hauser 演员 饰Billy McBride John Mighton 演员 Rachel Majorowski 演员 Colleen McCauley 演员 Matt Mercier 演员 Ralph St. ...
首先Will Hunting是电影里男主的名字,前面加个good也是很直接粗暴的表示男主是个好人。剧情里男主是一个心灵美好很有天赋才能的人设,虽然环境比较差以及小伙伴们都是在混日子,但最终他也走向了美好的未来。而根据hunting“狩猎”的原意就可以衍生出“捕手”的意思,will也有“意愿”的意思,结合男主心...
Good Will Hunting Dhalius专辑:Robin Williams Electronic Music Tribute流派:新世纪 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Si Tu Me Cuentas Una HistoriaDhalius Puedo Verte Tienes FrioDhalius El Tren De La VidaDhalius PensasDhalius MarsellaDhalius Brillas el SolDhalius Silencios ...
``Good Will Hunting'' is the story of how this kid's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. One is Lambeau, who gets probation for Will with a promise that he'll find him help and counseling. One is Sean McGuire (Robin Williams), Lambeau's ...
麻省理工的数学教授纵使爱才,对桀骜不驯的他也无可奈何,想借心理医生的手来卸掉他的防备,五次尝试,五次失败,迫不得已请出大学时的室友,现是心理学教授的Sean(Robin Williams饰演)帮忙。Will已经适应了自己的生活,不想有改变,顽固地守护着自己的世界,初遇到Sean时也一样。他一眼看出Sean的痛处,并箭箭射向...
Shortly after they heard ofthe actor’s death Monday,Nicholas Rabchenukand his girlfriend headed to the Boston Public Garden bench Williams andMatt Damonmade famous inGood Will Hunting. “We went to the [Boston] Common, and I was really surprised there wasn’t anything there,”Rabchenuktells...
Good will hunting——one story about love and friendship of a Mathematical genius Good Will Hunting is an inspirational drama film. The film is directed by Gus Van Sant, starring Robin Williams and Matt Damon. The story tells the story of a teenager working as a dustman at the Massachusetts...
再看了一遍good will hunting 哭的稀里哗啦!it's not your fault. It's not your fault那段。Robin Williams yyds!!!
Written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Good Will Hunting stars Damon as Will Hunting, a janitor with a genius-level intellect who, after being arrested for fighting, receives the chance to study mathematics under a renowned MIT professor provided that he