Good Will Hunting: Directed by Gus Van Sant. With Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Stellan Skarsgård, John Mighton. Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT, has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life.
【中文片名】: 心灵捕手 【片名】: Good Will Hunting 【又名】: 骄阳似我(港) 【地区】: 美国 【影片类型】: 剧情 【影片年代】: 1997 【导演】: 格斯·范·桑特 【编剧】: 本·阿弗莱克 / 马特·达蒙 【主演】: 马特·达蒙 / 罗宾·威廉姆斯 / 本·阿弗莱克 / 明妮·德里弗 / 卡西·阿弗莱克 / ...
Gus Van Sant’s 1997 double Oscar-winning film is a highly intelligent, engrossing heart-warmer. Matt Damon gives a polished, magnetic, star-making performance as Will Hunting, a rebel university caretaker, a janitor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), who turns out to be a wayward...
Good Will Hunting: Movie buff Doug Brode searches for the real ShakespeareShepperd, Walt
Movie - Good Will Hunting 心灵捕手 奥斯卡金像奖(1998;第70届) 获奖:2 提名:7 获奖 ·奥斯卡奖-最佳男配角罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams ·奥斯卡奖-最佳原创剧本马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 提名 ·奥斯卡奖-最佳影片劳伦斯·班德 Lawrence Bender ...
'Good Will Hunting' Trailer Movie Details Theatrical Release:January 9th, 1998-Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:December 8th, 1998-Buy DVD Movie Budget:$10,000,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$225,900,000 (Worldwide) Original Language:English ...
Good Will Hunting is a 1997 film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Robin Williams, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck. The movie revolves around Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT who happens to be a mathematical genius. Will has a troubled past and is reluctant to confront his demons, but whe...
AmericanRhetoric:MovieSpeech "Good Will Hunting" (1997) Debate at the "Bow and Arrow" (Harvard) Bar Audio mp3 delivered by Matt Damon, Scott William Winter, and Ben Affleck Contains profanity Chuckie: Are we gonna have a problem? I don't understand -- ...
Written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Good Will Hunting stars Damon as Will Hunting, a janitor with a genius-level intellect who, after being arrested for fighting, receives the chance to study mathematics under a renowned MIT professor provided that he
I recently had the opportunity to see Good Will Hunting for the second time. I had not seen it since its video release in 1997. It's funny how 15 years can change your opinion about a movie. I was lukewarm to the film back then, but now 15 years wiser I see it in a new light...