11-year-old discovers fossil of largest marine reptile to ever have been discovered In the seaside village of Blue Anchor in Somerset, a remarkable discovery by an 11-year-old girl has unveiled a piece… January 12, 2024 Animal shelter celebrates being empty for the first time in nearly 50...
It doesn’t make sense to me. I just don’t believe in it. I used to, but only by ignoring the itchy dissonance the idea made in my head, and I just can’t anymore. There are people out there who are so loathsome that part of me kinda wishes it were real, just for them, bu...
The future isn’t known until it happens, and until then there’s often ways to affect it, even just a little. This list of predictions contains a few that I’d love to see happen, a few I’d absolutely prefer to avoid, and a few I’m not sure how to evaluate. Let’s try to...
What are the latest ways to steal identity and money? From where does spam email come and can we stop it? How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers? Cyber security Securing Internet commerce: is it possible in today’s arms’ race of hackers and evolving te...
Yes, of course there’s a risk in campaigning against someone who has a good chance of winning. You can’t avoid risk in politics. I’m just saying that the risk of not going for it tends to be downplayed in ways that it shouldn’t be. There’s an analog here to the value of ...
Yes. You are right PeoplePerHour.com scam freelancer earning. Without Issue and warning 200 Pound Scam my freelancing Earning. My Account was deactivated without issue. "Very Unprofessional Freelancer Marketplace. Customer support is very Unprofessional more than 7 days can't reply support mail. An...
Was it all just a fad or worse a scam, or is there really something deeply revolutionary behind blockchain? To answer that question, one must first rewind history and remember why the blockchain space started in the first place. Infrastructure In Decay ...
SHOULD – Should treat the data as an asset:If this data is compromised in significant ways it would result in intolerable negative financial implications for a number of customers and would also lead to negative financial impacts on business ...
informs the kind of body language on screen, and I think that as a formidable character it's going to be hard to counteract that if you're going to be, I don't know, wrapped up in furs and running over a hill. I find both of them formidable in their own unique way...
Hopefully, energy independence will force people to think of ways of reducing their energy use and also make corporations invest in energy conservation. Unworkable proposals like "drill, drill, drill" would soon be debunked if there was a national consensus on energy(proponents would look idiotic...