but in using a template many sites sacrifice their ability to make a real name for themselves. One solution for designers is to purchase a theme so that the code is already in place, but then use the design to make modifications – this way you can put a unique twist on a pre-made d...
Good Design 与 Bad Design GoodDesign与BadDesign ——关于那些纸盒包装设计 何为“好包装”?包装是指用于盛放货品的容器及其包扎物。包装不仅具有充当产品保护的功能,还具有积极的促销作用,要使包装起到后一种作用,在包装设计上就要遵循“目、理、好”原则。“目”即醒目。包装要起到促销的作用,首先要能引起...
I introduced myself, pleaded ignorance about design, and asked him why he needed to make so many sketches. He thought for a second, and then said, "I don't know what a good idea looks like until I've seen the bad ones." I smiled, but was puzzled. I felt like going back across...
Code-Smells refer to design situations that may adversely affect the maintenance of software. They make a system difficult to change, which may in turn introduce bugs. Code-smells are detected, in general, using quality metrics that formalize some symptoms based on detection rules. We propose in...
Webflow is a website builder that works the same way as many others do—it has a visual canvas tool that lets you combine various design elements into a great looking site without ever having to write code. The difference is, Webflow gives you full control of that code before, during, an...
BANG! is design to be pretty intuitive and smooth with the syntax, so most things work as you expect. But there are still some things that may catch you out if you forget. So: don't omit the bang (!) because that's how we signal it's not a normal tag; and don't start any ...
SelfCAD: The Good and the Bad Let’s just get this out of the way:SelfCADmight have a bit of an identity crisis going on at the moment. The software descriptions on its website vary from targeting a beginner-friendly crowd and those just starting out with 3D design, to being software ...
Bad stretching can defeat good design The Boston Consulting Group recently predicted that reshoring of manufacturing operations to the U. S. could create as many as 3 million jobs by the end of this decade. Problem is, indications are that this welcome trend could lead to a ... L Berke -...
A Good Example of A Bad Design Two weeks ago, ProClub (a.k.a Microsoft gym) introduced a new lock system in the locker room, which requires inserting your member card before locking the cabinet. I left my member card inside the lock the first time I use it. I am a discipline ...
The Logitech C920 attempting to compensate for bad lighting. Logitech C920 vs. iPhone 6 Selfie Okay, let's do a worst-worst comparison. With most of the webcams, adding more light improved the image; adding plenty of foreground light to the subject triggered them to reduce the exposure in ...