{"version":"2.1.0","$schema":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/master/Schemata/sarif-schema-2.1.0.json","runs": [ {"tool": {"driver": {"name":"Dockle","informationUri":"https://github.com/goodwithtech/dockle","rules": [ {"id":"CIS-DI-0009","shortDe...
2024-08-18 -- Gatorom's solver-set option now uses descriptive fiilenames. GUI can now export a set of solved results with File/Export/SolverSetBytes. Clearer selection rectangle.RandCwill now draw the correct line type when the user confuses them.^Hnow sets the home position. Zooming an...
There can be a number of possible scenarios while using Canada Post AddressCompleet API to search for an address. For example, issuing a Find request will return a list of addresses that are similar to the search term used by a user. Also, what is important each address in that list ...
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.7.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml Step 2. Edit the file Go to the kubernetes-dashboard Service and add in another line to make the service a ClusterIP service for Contour to use. It should look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
Update thedownload_urlvariablein thesetup.cfgfile (as described in section1.5) to point to the URL of thetar.gzpackage in the new release on GitHub (or any other source repository you are using for your package). Finally:upload your new versionto PyPI (but first:TestPyPI!) ...
Seehttps://github.com/goodeggs/eslint-plugin-goodeggs/pull/610for all the above. Updated rules @typescript-eslint/naming-convention Forbids theIprefix for interface type names. Seehttps://github.com/goodeggs/eslint-plugin-goodeggs/pull/827. ...
本项目是我在学习《算法与数据结构》的时候,在 LeetCode(力扣) 上做的练习,目前主要提供 Java 语言,Python 语言的代码在 这里(不齐全); 适用于准备算法面试和学习「算法与数据结构」入门,不适合于准备算法竞赛; 所有的代码都通过 LeetCode(力扣) 在线测评系统检测; 建议安装 Octotree 插件,以获得最佳的阅读体验...
usernames or passwords with : in them . - paramspecs: new GstParamSpec flag GST_PARAM_CONDITIONALLY_AVAILABLE to indicate that a property might not always exist. - gst_bin_iterate_all_by_element_factory_name() finds elements in a bin by factory name - pad: gst_pad_get_single_int...
functionsimpleSearchFieldCombo($fNamesArr, $selOpt){ $options ="";if(sizeof($this->pSet->getGoogleLikeFields()) !=0) { $options =''."Any field".''; }foreach($fNamesArras$fName) { $fLabel = GetFieldLabel(GoodFieldName($this->tName),GoodFieldName($fName)); $options .=''. ...