MalwareTechBlog - Beginner Reverse Engineering - Twitch Malware Samples Where can I, as an individual, get malware samples to analyze? - Reverse Engineering Stack Exchange ytisf/theZoo: A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possib...
I only came back to this issue because there have been more streams on lately that my CPU just cannot handle in chrome. I had to revert Edge back to EdgeHTML and was able to get back smooth playback for these twitch streams. I can even run streams in b...
twitched twined twilight tuttle tutor tussle turpentine turbulent tungsten tumble tultul tubular truths trusting trudged trout tristano tripled trimmings trimmed trilogy tribunals tribe triangle triamcinolone trenton trenchant treaties treasure travelling travelled transverse transpiring transpiration transmuted ...
edit: I can see that the majority of twitch streams activate the video decode on my UHD 605 graphics. It just so happens the one stream that I watch the most (LCK) doesn't activate it and I don't know why it doesn't on chromium but does in EdgeHTML....
I only came back to this issue because there have been more streams on lately that my CPU just cannot handle in chrome. I had to revert Edge back to EdgeHTML and was able to get back smooth playback for these twitch streams. I can even run s...
-These are best case scenarios were the cursor is not moved which with that or a banner ad showing up, or a notification appearing would cause more framedrops - With Edge HTML or Internet Explorer 11 there no framedrops even with moving the cursor ...
-These are best case scenarios were the cursor is not moved which with that or a banner ad showing up, or a notification appearing would cause more framedrops - With Edge HTML or Internet Explorer 11 there no framedrops even with moving the curso...