Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. brings to you Good Boy dark roast coffee. Good Boy Blend is the culmination of five years seeking to create the perfect dark roast blend and offers the perfect balance of smoky aromatics with a silky-smooth sipping experience.
Toddler Jessica promised to be a hair dresser. Girlhood Jessica swore she was going to be a prima ballerina. Teenage Jessica realized that was not to be and floundered for new ideas. College Jessica zeroed in on writing. Post-college Jessica realized she could write AND travel. Writing, trave...
SIGH. Crib, we had a good run. Who knew when I sent Captain off to fetch a giant, plastic, toddler, car bed I found on Craigslist, that I would then have a subsequent car loving kid who has just about outgrown the car bed before she ever set eyes on it. I was never concerned e...
I first saw this method of dyeing Easter eggs on Facebook with a link toToddler Approved. Her eggs turned out vibrant and beautiful, but when I used this method, mine did not. Not to be deterred, I started over. I found another tutorial onPlaydough to Plato, and this worked better fo...
Healthy Toddler Snacks Great Snacks For Work I recently was asked for some adult snack ideas. A lot of my readers work outside the home and are looking for snacks that they can either pack to take to work or prep and eat quickly when they get home from work as they get dinner ready ...
Protein is an essential nutrient for a child's growth and development. Here's how much protein your toddler should be eating, plus some high-protein items to include in their diet.
It always feels great to watch your child polish off a healthy, home-cooked meal. We've chosen our favourite dishes for the whole family to enjoy together.
Nobody believes that the man who says, 'Look, lady, you wanted equality,' to explain why he won't give up his seat to a pregnant woman carrying three grocery bags, a briefcase, and a toddler is seized with the symbolism of idealism. —Judith Martin ...
With a toddler, that really restricted our ability to access the sports plaza, and normal plaza so we only went swimming twice, when we'd normally go every day!The area we were staying in had construction work, which was noisy during the day, brought lots of t...
That toddlers make simple things suddenly seem magical. There’s a metal elephant in our garden, left by the previous owner. I’ve always thought it was fine but my daughter thinks it’s AMAZING, so now I do too. A toddler’s ability to get excited about small things is contagious and...