Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit. My reasons are both good and weighty. Shakespeare My meaning in saying he is a good man is ...
Many people are in Qatar, Kuwait, everywhere. And we all speak Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam. We can understand a little bit Kannada and Telugu also. So, we have the attitude of going to the workers and help. And we will always be also well connected to the embassy. So that culture ...
In Tamil Nadu, there are 5 temples where Lord Shiva expressed his five functions in the universe in the form of dance. These temples are referred to as the “Pancha Sabhai “ temples or the five dancing halls. They are Chidambaram (Pon Sabha – Golden Hall) Tiru Alangadu (Rathna ...
1.(foll byof) to relieve or deliver from something disagreeable or undesirable; make free (of):to rid a house of mice. 2.get rid ofto relieve or free oneself of (something or someone unpleasant or undesirable) [C13 (meaning: to clear land): from Old Norserythja; related to Old High...
Opening any new curry cookbook (I buy six to ten a year), I scribble the date on the inside cover. So, it’s thanks toParsi Food & Customsthat I know my DRUMSTICK FLOWER pilgrimage began in June 2016. On page 141, there’s a recipe forEggs cooked on drumstick flowers. I highlighted...
“It got to half-time and I thought: ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know if I can carry this on.’ But I decided I was sticking to my word,” she said. “This is what I’ve said I’m going to do. Whether it’s four, five, six, seven, 10 goals, I’m seeing it through now....
Get the tips to score good marks in class 11 Maths exams here at BYJU'S. How to score full marks in Maths exam? Also know here the important topics of 11th class Maths, chapter-wise to prepare well for final exams.
Bread uthappam I love the smell of freshly baked bread but am not a fan of bread itself. I do like a few types of bread but not the everyday loaf. However, for some reason I had been meaning to make bread dosa. I always keep a loaf of bread at home and... ...
particles which are free to move inside them, known as free electrons. when such materials are connected to a battery or a cell, the free electrons start to move and allow electricity to pass through them. the ability of the materials to pass electricity through them is known as conductivity...
The wordcurryis derived fromkari,a word inTamilsimply meaningsauce. Along the Coromandel Coast of South-East India, Fort St George is to be found, where Tamil merchants introduced the British East India Company to Kari, which they took to mean vegetables and/or meat cooked with spices with ...