从优秀到卓越(Good to Great) 《从优秀到卓越》(Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't)是吉姆·柯林斯(Jim Collins)于2001年出版的经典商业管理书籍。这本书深入探讨了那些在竞争激烈的市场中从“优秀”跃升为“卓越”...
Jim Collins(共4册),这套丛书还有 《Built to Last》《Great by Choice》《Good to Great And the Social Sectors》。 喜欢读"Good to Great"的人也喜欢 ··· Built to Last 8.3 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pe... 8.6 Outliers 8.3 Freefall 8.7 The Folly of Fools Poor Numbers ...
作者:Jim Collins吉姆·柯林斯 出版社名称:Collins Business 出版时间:2001 语种:英文 ISBN:9780066620992 商品尺寸:15.6 x 2.7 x 23.5 cm 包装:精装 页数:300 Good to Great《从优秀到卓越》是畅销书《基业长青》的作者柯林斯的又一力作,它描绘了优秀公司实现向卓越公司跨越的宏伟蓝图。《基业长青》揭示了公司保持...
Good to Great 作者:Jim Collins 出版社:Random House Business Books 副标题:TO GREAT 出版年:2001-10-4 页数:324 定价:USD 41.35 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780712676090 豆瓣评分 8.5 31人评价 5星 51.6% 4星 35.5% 3星 12.9% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0%
《Good To Great 从优秀到卓越 英文原版 Jim Collins 英文版 全英文版 纯全英文版正版原著进口英语书籍》,作者:Good To Great 从优秀到卓越 英文原版 Jim Collins 英文版 全英文版 纯全英文版正版原著进口英语书籍Jim Collins 著,出版社:HarperCollins,ISBN:9780712676
Good to Great byJim Collins October 2001 Start with 1,435 good companies. Examine their performance over 40 years. Find the 11 companies that became great. Now here's how you can do it too. Lessons on eggs, flywheels, hedgehogs, buses, and other essentials of business that can help you...
内容简介:Can a good company become a great one and, if so, how? After a five-year research project, Collins concludes that good to great can and does happen. In this book, he uncovers the underlying variables that enable any type of organization to make the leap from good to great whil...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《GOOD TO GREAT》,作者:Jim Collins 著,出版社:音像供货。最新《GOOD TO GREAT》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《GOOD TO GREAT》,就上当当网。
从A到A+—Good to Great by Jim Collins 书摘制作:政大科管所 Eric Chin (交通大学生科所硕士) 哈佛商业评论2001年度好书 从优秀蜕变为卓越的公司 1.亚培药厂(Abbott) 2.电路城(Circuit City) 3.房利美(Fannie Mae) 4.吉列(Gillette) 5.金百利克拉克(Kimberly-Clark) 6.克罗格(Kroger) 从优秀蜕变为卓越的...
The article presents information on the book "Good to Great," by Jim Collins. In his book Collins adds a new twist when he compares companies that made the leap from good to great to those that were never able...