Shop Plan Starting at $25/mo UNLIMITED High Speed Data + Unlimited talk and text + data access on America’s nationwide networksShop Plan Bring your Phone & Keep your Number Bring the phone you love to Good2Go Mobile, and select your new plan!Check Compatibility...
Being an excellent learner is not an easy thing. One key point is to make a good study plan. A well - organized study plan can help us make full use of our time. For instance, we can allocate specific time for different subjects, like spending an hour on English grammar every day. I...
“和我有共同听歌爱好的快来贴贴~”《To The Moon》 03:20 “无论什么时候感到孤独 打给我就好”《pick up the phone》 02:24 “喜欢抒情歌的人千万别错过这首歌~”《Good Night Good Dream》 04:26 “如无共鸣,沉默既安”《tmrw》 03:08 “无计划的一天~”《hungover sunday》 03:00 “偶...
D(为旅行作准备)If you plan to take a vacation, you shoul d make good preparations ahead. ① help, a, will, have, you, this, time,good(. )Here is some advice for you.Before you go to a place, you nee d to learn something about it. Try to spen d time looking up some useful...
·Write down (信号词)everything that you plan on doing. ·Be (1)___ about what you can actually accomplish.(形容词,对于你实际能完成的内容要……, 可能是confident, sure, certain, clear) Make daily to-do lists ·Write down the things you ne...
Third, bring a cell phone. This is important if you plan to camp by yourself your parents or a friend know where you plan go and when you can be back. If you know the tips, your trip can be happy. Hope you have a good trip! 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分) 86. What shou...
She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and was rushed to hospital. 【拓展】 pass away 去世;停止;度过 pass by 经过;走过;逝去 pass through 穿过……;通过…… pass on 传递;继续;去世 pass the time 打发时间;消磨...
You are good to me... 你对我很体贴。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Good and evil may co-exist within one family. 善与恶可能并存于一体。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 We have a fairly good idea of what's going on... 我们对正在发生的事有着相当清楚的认识。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 This is a much better indicat...
The guide above can help you to choose a family phone plan that will fit you and your clan perfectly. Taking some time to think about exactly what you want from a family package, as well as your lifestyle and current usage habits, means that you'll get a plan that keeps everyone happy...
There are many advantages and disadvantages of the access to internet. Some of the advantages are; people can now shop online 24 hours a day 7 days a week, able to access the latest updates, able to chat with friends and family online without the need of a phone, you could share your...