Manage your Good To Go! account through an easy-to-use app! * Add money to your account * Check your balance * Edit registered vehicles * View your toll history Disclaimer: The developers of this app and Pragmistic are not associated with WSDOT, Good To Go! or any other electronic toll...
Good To Go! Account Manager Pragmistic LLC Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Manage your Good To Go! account through an easy-to-use app! * Add money to your account * Check your balance * Edit registered vehicles ...
too good to go是一个帮你省钱的App软件。餐厅或面包房把当天没有卖出去的食物放在软件上销售。一般在$5左右。今天小姐们花了$4.99买了一袋子面包:2磅的橄榄面包、一块香蕉面包、一块蓝莓面包。还花了$4.99买了一顿晚餐,四个人都没吃完。我觉得响应节俭不浪费的政策,国内也应该做一个这样的app。【这是三位...
Too Good To Go app(应用程序) makes it easy to make a positive impact(影响) on the planet while saving money on your favorite foods. With the app for reducing(减少) food waste, you can save tasty unsold treats and meals straight from shops, cafes, grocery stores, and restaurants in yo...
Too Good To Go常常宣称自己是“最酷的外卖app”,投资人Mette Lykke常常自豪地宣称,这个app创造了一种“三赢模式”,“用户、商家和环境都可以通过Too Good To Go‘获利’”。省钱是许多用户选择它的原因。在欧洲大部分国家,一般的外卖价格在10欧元左右,但在Too Good To Go上售卖的Magic Bag,平均售价为3...
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
购买打烊/临期折扣食品:Too Good To Go 此前推荐过一个叫「」的小程序,能让用户在每天傍晚/夜里买到打折的烘焙食品,免得被商家打烊后白白扔掉。 后来被同事告知,国外也有个类似的 App:Too Good To Go,减少食物浪费 + 消费者省钱 + 商家增加收入(打折卖掉总比扔掉要好)。
Too Good To Go, an app operating in the UK, allows users to order leftover food at a discount from restaurants, according to the website. The goal is to help cut food waste. Users simply log in, pick a restaurant, pay through the app and then pick up their food at a set time—...
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too good to go:“在意大利,600多个城市都有应用,已经节约了超过1200万顿饭,从而减少了超过约22500吨用于食品生产的二氧化碳排放量” 据il sole 24ore 报道:2022年,“Too good to go”及其相关公司的用户量激增,分别增长了50%和40%,据称“2022年米兰和罗马节省了近百万顿饭”,比2021年多节省了32%的餐食。