GPU: 4070 ASUS Duel If you need to see the other specs for a better idea of what I am working with let me know. Expand The laptop temps were resonable, high but resonable for a laptop. I'd say between 60-80c on the CPU ( 13700k is a hot chip ) and around...
I bought a new pc 1 year ago but didn't buy a gpu because 3080 prices went up around that time and I was hoping they would come down back into my budget, I used my old gtx 750 ti on that pc with no issues. I managed to get a 3090 temporarily from someone, I used it for 1...
When I'm playing Starcraft 2 (max settings), the medium temp (CPU) is about 77oC, maximum temp sometimes reaches to 85 - 90. Another game will reach to 70oC. I don't know is that good for my notebook? I uses HWMonitor and Core Temp to view the temperature. But the heat from ...
The normal CPU fan speed can vary based on factors like the size of the fan and the cooling requirements of your system. While many CPU fans run at around 5000 RPM, a speed of 1000 to 1200 RPM might seem a bit low for some setups, particularly if you want your system to stay cool...
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (16) @ 3.600GHz GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 580 (detects as 480 lots of places due to them all sharing the same driver) Memory: 32029MiB Here's the log running the last dll, I'll try the new one and edit in my log/results from that. wine.log full system...
Windows/Linux/Maconly use CPU0GB32GBRequiredabout 17x slower than Nvidia RTX 3XXX * AMD GPU ROCm (on hold): The AMD is still working on supporting ROCm on Windows. * Nvidia GTX 1XXX 6GB uncertain: Some people reports 6GB success on GTX 10XX but some other people reports failure cases...
sudo cgdelete cpu:/temp_restrict 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 通常使用配置文件来管理cgroup,下面贴出我的配置文件和参数解释: #在/etc/cgconfig.conf文件中添加资源组信息 group maxcpu{ #资源通过树形层级结构管理,组是叶子节点,说明该节点下资源限制情况 ...
组内人越来越多,老板又新配了两台小型工作站,需要限制一下大家各自的CPU使用个数,这可以通过cgroup服务1来实现。 可以通过创建一个临时的资源组来限制特定pid的程序: # create one resource groupsudo cgcreate -g cpu:/temp_restrict# restrict the cpu into 10 000/1 000 000 = 1%echo10000 |sudotee/cgrou...
SYSTEM_MEMORY specifies that CPU memory will be used. This is best for the software implementation. VIDEO_MEMORY specifies that GPU memory will be used. This is best for the hardware implementation. It looks like sample_vpp will use SYSTEM_MEMORY even if you use the -lib hw opti...
✅ Dual monitor start flickering while gaming. All others things are good still same issue.:Dell monitor 60hz connect with display port, LG monitor 144hz connect with hdmi port, my GPU is NVIDIA Geforce gtx 1070 when I play games my both...