I'd also add Pokemon SS, Rayman Legends, Smash Bros, Monster Boy and Mario Kart. Great games for cheering up. By the way, I really hope there's a sequel for The Touryst. Great idea, visuals and gameplay, but a little too short and limited. I'd like to see a big expansion of th...
This is a chance for you to see what the various members of the Pocket Gamer team are planning to play over this weekend and will, hopefully, give you an idea of some of the weird and wonderful things we get up to when we’re not keeping you up to speed with the latest new...
【火红改版】宝可梦奥德赛 Pokemon Odyssey 醋拌饺子 制作:TeamTchoes 首发于pokecommunity 转载请注明口袋改版资源吧 《登峰造极》作者的新作,游戏融合了《宝可梦》《来自深渊》《世界树迷宫》,当然了纯宝可梦玩家也可无缝游玩。 游戏发生在Talrega岛屿,这里是世界树迷宫的入口,吸引了来自世界各地的探险者。玩家将扮演...
游戏简介 零维E界是一款由ESplus联合Team ZDE.制作团队,使用RPG Maker XP为主要开发工具,以PokemonEssentials 18.1为框架进行制作的PC端非营利性同人游戏。 目前游戏仍未完结,拥有两个周目的剧情流程。 自持正义者、卑劣无耻者与目中无人者,都不是我所能抵挡的。 背景设定 在万千个平行宇宙中,有一个名为“零...
We know the official team name is the plural version of this word; however, that would make it six letters and not a viable candidate for Wordle, "Tiger" is what you get. Plus, what do you call a singular Tigers player? Just go with it... ...
Victory Road is a path few get to tread. Only the strongest can get past its twists and turns to find themselves face to face with the Elite Four. This year, however, you can do exactly that. Team Robo Video Games is organizing the 2014 Elite Four challenge, aPokemon XYcompetition which...
A screen-grabbed image ofPikachu looking surprisedfrom an episode of "Pokemon" caught the attention of Twitter in late 2018. For the next few months, the image blew up when people started using it as a meme for doing something with an obvious outcome. ...
【全国比赛预告】中国PokemonTCG第一届全国邀请赛·ShangHai JonathanJE 比赛时间: 2018年10月4日 比赛赛制:轮瑞士轮BO1 + 8/16强淘汰 构筑环境:日版 SM-ON 比赛地点:上海市黄浦区西藏中路268号 凯德(CapitalLand)大酒店来福士办公楼37层3702(地铁1/2/8号线地铁站14号口步行90米) 赛制说明: 组一套60张...
too ... that is why a good team will have help defense when needed. But the coach here is Mchale. 20 hours ago 林的防守真的很好...假如对位一位速度飞快的控卫,是的,林会被摆脱, 分享43赞 孔侑吧 侑缘千里 ☆心YOO孔刘☆◣0522翻译◥五月19及20号的广播摘要英翻中The followings are summaris...
M-Team official chat - Chinese:https://t.me/M_Team_Chat Nexus Users:https://t.me/nexususers One Plus:https://t.me/oneplus3tt Google 交流群:https://t.me/GoogleFans 生活 读书 新知:https://t.me/joinchat/BZKdbj1dAu5m8X48JV2gYg 主机测评 (zhujiceping.com):https://t.me/zhujiceping...