Every time a newPokemongame comes out, the fandom seems to split into two: those who enjoy it and those who claim that GameFreak has reached another layer of rock bottom. WhenPokemon Scarletfirst came out, my opinion was close to the second camp due to the numerous bugs and the lack of...
and rival trainers shape Ash's journey as his team of Pokemon grows and evolves, particularly the enigmatic Greninja. Ash's pursuit of the Kalos League escalates as he grapples with the emergence of Mega Evolution, the powerful bond phenomenon with Greninja, and thwarting Team Flare's destructi...
Kind of weird, to have bosses made up of monsters you can find anywhere in the game, and still have them feel like unique challenges in teams, and not just gym leaders but with rivals or team leaders. Many don’t show up for more than 5 minutes even, but at least in the 3 gens ...
Example Spring Batch application for importing large CSV file as described on my blog - Spring-Batch-CSV-Example/src/main/resources/animescsv.csv at master · michaelcgood/Spring-Batch-CSV-Example
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