You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a student credit card. Some student credit cards don’t require a credit history to apply. There is no credit score required to apply for Discover Student credit cards.1 Students under twenty-one have different income requirements than those ov...
1 So, to find the best credit limit for a secured card, consider what deposit you can afford. Learn More Good credit limits for student cards Student credit cards often come with lower credit limits than standard credit cards. But a lower limit isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Student ...
He was calling to wish me greetings, but then he said, ``You know, I read your columns all the time, and I think they're great. But I don't know about this latest one on credit cards, Bill. You know, there are times when it's good to have a credit card.''Donoghue, William...
Your strongest option is a credit card in your own name that isn’t tied to any collateral. You may qualify for a card with a low credit limit if you’re a student, a credit union member, or have an established banking history, such as a checking account that you’...
Students can receive loans with bad or even poor credit. We’ll explore the specific requirements for student loans and what to do if you have bad credit.
Good credit can be the make-or-break detail that determines whether you get a mortgage, car loan or student loan. Bad credit, on the other hand, makes it difficult to get a credit card with a low interest rate and more expensive to borrow money for any purpose. Why is good credit ...
Money: Play Your Cards Right and You'll Make A Killing; Shop around to Get the Best Deal on Interest Rates DO you know how much interest you pay on your credit card? Nearly half of us don't, which means we are probably spending too much....
Credit mix (10%): Aim to have several different types of credit, whether it's installment loans, credit cards or a mortgage New inquiries (10%): Don't apply for too many lines of credit in a short period of time If you have a credit score of 800, it probably means you have a lo...
Got bad credit on Visa, bad credit on Mastercard, or bad credit credit cards? At we create credit card awareness to help rebuild credit scores by finding personal loans for bad credit and credit cards for bad credit.
There is one exception to this rule: It's OK to cancel a credit card with a high annual fee, if you don't use it regularly and it no longer works for your budget. 4. Charge the basics In order to get the most out of your credit card, you need to use it periodically. Otherwise...