ByJoeSchmoe Modpacks 134 Description What if Minecraft had a final update? Well, this modpack explores just that. In an alternate universe where Mojang never changed its textures and made 1.14 the final version of Minecraft. This modpack is basically what I would've wanted for a final update...
In Good Phantom, you play as a phantom that dives into the dreams of Minecraft players. Fend off nightmares as you rush to complete all 3 portal frames in each dream. Map can be played with 1-24 players Resource pack is required to play (included with world download) Game Modes Score A...
本吧热帖: 1-新吧主上任 大家猛戳这里 2-占领空瓶 3-Minecraft0.14.3服务器 4-〖官方〗我的世界iOS版吧水楼 5-有一起玩的吗 6-我的世界国际服基岩版领域服招人 7-给兄弟们安利一波手游内鬼号 8-?经典科技魔法?日常稳定50-100人哦?新周目火爆开启? 9-ios什么时候更新渲染龙啊
A Good Place 📖 About 📖 This mod adds fancy new animations for block placement. The process is entirely customizable through the use of Resource Packs. With this sytem you'll be able to customize every aspect of the animation starting from which block it affects to how the animation itse...
backpacks Ultimate Car Mod Bottle Your Xp don't lose your experience put it in bottles to save for later Mc2Discord PS: ModdedSMP1000 is our server my Discord server for this server ...
Discord Server for talking about my mods, update progress, or reporting bugs/issues:Click Here Wiki for Healing Pretty Good:Click Here This Mod adds Heart Drops, Heart Crystals, Life Upgrades and a few other healing related features, but it is now for forge!
This modpack uses the afformentioned Overgrowth mod, if you don't know what it does i suggest looking it up but in a nutshell it adds: Decay to the gameworld, this means your torches will go out eventually and your buildings may be overtaken by nature if you skip out on your cleaning...
This mod adds fancy new animations for block placement. The process is entirely customizable through the use of Resource Packs. With this sytem you'll be able to customize every aspect of the animation starting from which block it affects to how the animation itself plays out, tweakable via va...
The mod has been updated to add Heart Crystals, which can be used to craft permanent and temporary health upgrades for the player. Now, there are also configs that control how the health upgrades work, so you can change how many permanent and temporary hearts you can get and how much heal...
This Mod adds Heart Drops, Heart Crystals, Life Upgrades and a few other healing related features, but it is now for forge!My Mods:CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!