Looking at the back, it seems like you didn't use the lightest blue there at all, so you could have easily used that colour for the bag, and then just changed the ribbon at the front to a different colour so that it wouldn't blend with the straps. Maybe that could be something for...
Make them stop attacking other people's artwork if they make a character's "skin" too light. Get rid of all the headcanons that don't make any sense. Get rid of all the NSFW fanart, especially the ones out of underaged characters because it's considered pedophilia. Get rid of all th...
本吧热帖: 1-某些平台上的MC社区烂完了 2-有没有人推荐一下以探索为卖点的mod? 3-建筑党貌似不太受欢迎了 4-有没有大哥带带回归的入坑 5-有没有什么原版内容是官方更新前从未有模组实现的? 6-【吧规】Minecraft吧吧规 7-Minecraft吧 水楼 8-有什么休闲模组推荐吗 9-浴霸刷
本吧热帖: 1-[lbk]24w07a[rbk]不同颜色羊的生成和部分村民交易平衡的引入 2-吧友有多少人买了正版 3-b站逆天言论 4-当你长期用同一个不加载村庄清理不祥之兆,会发生什么? 5-为什么每次有人提出末地更新总有人说末地是荒凉的不需要更 6-【吧规】Minecraft吧吧规 7-Minecraf
brush. I’m a huge fan of the Essence Nude Highlighter (you can get it for around $3 at Ulta/Target), which is a very sheer highlighter, but this highlighter is even lighter and takes a lot of swipes to deposit any sheen to the skin. I’ll definitely be playing with it a bit ...
(Igenerated the world of Momonga in Minecraft. I’m lazy.) Step 2: Create the characters The characters are the most important asset. A good character is someone the player can relate to. This means that he or she is “human” (even when they’re not). What makes someone “human”?
本吧热帖: 1-在线等,急 2-让我们总结一下mojang的出生行径吧 3-ojang没活了 4-试玩传说中的乌托邦整合包 5-获得完美游戏体验必不可少的几个东西 6-【吧规】Minecraft吧吧规 7-问一下,要是我在自己家村子打赢了袭击 8-Minecraft吧 水楼 9-【图文】1.21.1原版向生存 10-氵氵
新的一年已经来到,Minecraft的pvper们早已做好展示自己的准备。 来自hypixel吧的第一次活动,给你这个机会; 活动将分为两边,hypixel的国际服和国服 活动时间:2018年2月23日(正月初八)下午两点。 国服的游戏模式为超级战墙 国际将会视游戏人数而定 活动奖励:将分别送出一个月的贴吧超级会员;一共三个,分别送给国际/...
本吧热帖: 1-【吧规】Minecraft吧吧规 2-求助:如何通过kubejs使生物掉落带特定tag的物品 3-【Litematica】投影模组——详细入门教程 4-有沒有什麼fabric農夫樂事附屬推薦 5-刚配了新电脑,想找一起玩minecraft的网友 6-Minecraft吧 水楼 7-农夫乐事有前置mod吗 8-每人发一
本吧热帖: 1-【吧规】Minecraft吧吧规 2-有人可以解决崩溃问题吗? 3-在主页刷到一个up主 4-新玩家虚心求教下. 5-一直没懂,我你世界这游戏是玩啥的? 6-不懂就问,生存是不是从1.16开始变得简单的? 7-如何调整鼠标滚轮? 8-我发植物你来打分 9-每人发一个刚玩minecraft时