好牧人教堂好牧人教堂,英文名Church of the Good Shepherd,位于新西兰南岛的特卡波湖岸边。这座教堂建于1935年,以一只牧羊犬的雕塑而命名。教堂完全用岩石块垒砌而成,是特卡波湖明信片中的经典风景。许多新人选择在这里 - 禅意于20240502发布在抖音,已经收获了224个喜
Good Shepherd from anywhere. Watch Good Shepherd Online Join a community Grow together, serve one another, and change the world with the love of Christ. Connect with Us Our Latest Series Jonah—Stories from the Depths We all have moments when we run from God’s call—but what happens when...
好牧羊人教堂(Church Good Shepherd).用来纪念这一地区早期的欧洲移民,现为新西兰的代表性景观之一.火烧云.(这是在Omara… blog.sina.com.cn|基于 1 个网页 2. 好羊倌教堂 Tekapo 湖畔静静地伫立着好羊倌教堂(Church Good Shepherd)。它全部是用石块砌成的,1935年由欧洲殖民开荒者修建的… ...
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! As you join us, you will quickly discover that our passion is to provide a place where people can connect to God and to each other. We look forward to getting to know you!
New To Good Shepherd? At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, you will discover a warm community of real people dedicated to following Jesus Christ and to growing daily as disciples. Called, Gathered, Fed, Sent Our worship of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our community at Good Shepherd Lutheran...
牧羊人教堂(Church of the Good Shepherd)以一只牧羊犬的雕塑而命名,是对过去帮助开创农田和Mackenzie地区的牧羊犬们的歌颂,十分有纪念意义。 这座漂亮的石教堂位于新西兰的特卡波湖岸边,由著名建筑师本杰明·伍尔菲尔德·芒福德于1935年建造,其独特的哥特式木石结构建筑在新西兰独一无二,加上这里美丽辽阔的山水风景,...
Church of the Good Shepherd is a growing Anglican Congregation in the West Ashley area of Charleston, South Carolina.
艾尔斯伯里: 好牧羊人教堂(Aylesbury: Church of The Good Shepherd) 资源编号 :60048712 格式:jpg 文件体积 :74k 分辨率 :640 x 480 爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的艾尔斯伯里: 好牧羊人教堂(Aylesbury: Church of The Good Shepherd), 本站编号60048712, 该...
小巧神圣的婚纱圣地 好牧羊人教堂(Church of the Good Shepherd) 位于新西兰南岛,距离基督城(Christchurch)约三小时车程的蒂卡波湖(Lake Tekapo)湖畔旁,有个小巧可爱的天主教教堂。许多人在这里完成人生大事,例如拍婚纱照、度蜜月、受洗等。它有个有趣的名字,叫好牧羊人教堂 (Church of the Good Shepherd)。 好...