I’m getting good results at over 200 yards with a .223 and a red-dot scope. So, my question is, “What RANGE does he like for his rifles? James Huston October 8, 2022 at 10:32 pm I’m getting tired of reloading, so I like my ak47 & am revamping some ar & finding them ...
My XDM’s are reliable and relatively soft shooting, my Ronin 1911 in 10mm chambering is truly soft shooting, for the weight and velocity. it’s got some heft to it, that has to contribute a bit. For me, the Glocks are not a lot of fun with this cartridge, that’s the only 10 ...
bullets it should be just fine for the relatively short range while providing a good platform with potential for accuracy….bolt action, integral scope mounts, aftermarket trigger availability, etc. Problem is finding one. So, I did a bit of research and decided that while I am still going t...
To me, that means, knowing and accepting them and still having it work for you. And you is very relative, what works for me may not work or be acceptable for you. I could have never handled Harry’s 44 magnum revolver, but I did have and enjoy a 44 magnum lever action rifle for ...
I'm always on the hunt for unique rifles, and this one seems like a good value considering the components and history with it. Something a lot on this forum may appreciate considering the CZ magnum action, beautiful stock and long range capability - ends today! CZ 550 Magnum 7.82 Warbird ...
forced a reevaluation of a vast scope of once-settled dispensational theology, from the tradition’s literal biblical hermeneutics tothe nature of thekingdom, the church-Israel distinction, and the purpose ofGod’s covenants (314). Today, the progressive are probably the majority voice in ...
³⁰To findan astonishingdegree of resemblancebetweenJulian’sand Augustine’srejectionsof earthlygoods,shouldwarnus to narrowdownthescopeofDe civitateDeito apologeticswrittenagainsttradionalistpagans,especiallyinthe West,whowerestill tryingto fight off theever morevisibleChristianisationof theRomansoci-...