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Discord: goodthebest Open your Discard and go to Friends and then Add Friend (add goodthebest) and press Send Friend Request button. Skype: add this email onlinebuybiz@gmail.com in your skype search and you will see theonly-1 Telegram: go to https://t.me/goodthebest Email: on...
Are you an expert in writing a Bug report? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you. One more bug reporting process using Visual Studio- TFS(Team Foundation Server) 1. Assume your team contains 8 members (Tester, QA Lead, 3developers...
只会画图 代码呀程序的丁点都不会 英文也不会全靠翻译机啃要是我都能做你们肯定也能行的( 最开始我制作的时候的确只是先努力爬官方资料夹了解一个种族需要改那些档案,然后我上去discord的时候有好心人告诉我steam其实有种族mod懒人包(说是懒人包只是把一个基本种族的资料夹打包好给你) 懒人包还备有基本教程(主要...
不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 不分h 卜的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential election result 《不见不散》Be there or be square. 不可再生资源 non-rcncwablc resources 不良贷款 non-performing loan 不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city 超级人生名言20句 1. A journey of a thous...
One more bug reporting process using Visual Studio- TFS(Team Foundation Server) 1. Assume your team contains 8 members (Tester, QA Lead, 3developers, Dev.Lead,Project Lead, BA(Business Analysist) 2. You all have access to TFS 3. Tester reports a bug using TFS (Say bug no 123), there...
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