Define good Samaritan law. good Samaritan law synonyms, good Samaritan law pronunciation, good Samaritan law translation, English dictionary definition of good Samaritan law. n. a law exempting from liability physicians or others who aid strangers in gra
Define good Samaritan. good Samaritan synonyms, good Samaritan pronunciation, good Samaritan translation, English dictionary definition of good Samaritan. n. A compassionate person who unselfishly helps others, especially strangers. American Heritage®
(Law) The custom of any trade or business; the tendency or inclination of persons, old customers and others, to resort to an established place of business; the advantage accruing from tendency or inclination. – In good time. (a) Promptly; punctually; opportunely; not too soon nor too...
Good Samaritan definition: one who is compassionate and helpful to a person in distress.. See examples of GOOD SAMARITAN used in a sentence.
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Definition of Good 'Til Canceled in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Good 'Til Canceled? Meaning of Good 'Til Canceled as a legal term. What does Good 'Til Canceled mean in law?
Twitter Google Share on Facebook GOOD AND LAWFUL MEN, probi et legales homines. The law requires that those who serve on juries shall be good. and lawful men; by which is understood those qualified to serve on juries; that is, that they be of full age, citizens, not infamous nor non...
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Definition of Good ol boys in the Idioms Dictionary. Good ol boys phrase. What does Good ol boys expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
ChinashouldadopttheGoodSamaritanLaw DEFINITION:ThedefinitioninWikipediaisGoodSamaritanlawsarelawsoractsprotectingthosewhochoosetoserveandtendtootherswhoareinjuredorill.ThenameGoodSamaritanreferstothefamousparabletoldbyJesusintheNewTestament.PURPOSE Toreducebystanders'hesitationtoassist,forfearofbeingsuedorprosecutedfor...