Jesus’ Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-27). This beloved parable is Jesus’ response to a lawyer’s self serving question: “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered by telling the story of a man left for dead and then rescued by a samaritan man. The point, according to Jesus...
Just a few minutes later, another man came walking. He was a Samaritan. One thing you should know about Samaritans is that Jews didn't like them. Jews usually didn't treat Samaritans very well, so they never got along. The man who was dying on the road was a Jew. So what do you ...
2025 One story that’s been celebrated in the chat groups involved a neighbor who refused to leave her home, only to have a Good Samaritan show up, bundle the woman in his car and take her down the hill to a shelter. Kevin Baxter, Los Angeles Times, 14 Jan. 2025 Kayla had been ...
Samaritan treating him kindly and putting him on his beast. ~ Excerpt from theGospel Awakening's "THE GOOD SAMARITAN" Summary The Bible story of the Good Samaritan is a parable that demonstrates how we should “love our neighbors as ourselves.” When others need our help the most, like the...
The Parable of the Good Samaritan - On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit
The Parable of the Good Samaritan - An expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He
I also experimented with other signs such as "Bible belt - and no Good Samaritan?", since I was always stuck for hours going through the Tennessee and West Virginia Bible belt when I hitchhiked from the South up to Washington once a month to see my pictures sent there after processing. ...
Rev Bonita Grubbs
I often cringe thinking back on my quick opinions and instant remedies when I knew so little about what others could have been going through. I was often the priest or the Levite when someone in my life needed a Samaritan. Hopefully we can all learn from each other and grasp both wisdom...
I often cringe thinking back on my quick opinions and instant remedies when I knew so little about what others could have been going through. I was often the priest or the Levite when someone in my life needed a Samaritan. Hopefully we can all learn from each other and grasp both wisdom...