“Underrated PC port of an absolute stunner of a game. One of the best, biggest open world games out there, with a story so good, that you'll still tell your grandkids about it.” ¥ 4,400 Recommended 12 April, 2020 “Suprisingly actually manages to live up to the massive hype...
“Underrated PC port of an absolute stunner of a game. One of the best, biggest open world games out there, with a story so good, that you'll still tell your grandkids about it.” ¥ 165.00 Recommended 12 April, 2020 “Suprisingly actually manages to live up to the massive hype...
Pre-order Beyond Good and Evil 2 [EU/RoW] - Ubisoft Connect -19% $69.98 $48.96 PRE-ORDER Metacritic Score N/A Activation and Download viaUbisoft Connect. Full details will be specified in the email after purchase. GenreAction,RPG,Adventures ...
Good Old Gamesare once again scooping up the games of the past, dusting off the cobwebs, teaching them about the future ways, and then setting them free into the internets, unfettered by leashes or DRM. And if you've been concerned that their definition of "Good" has been somewhat loose ...
这个时候我觉得应 +3 分享162赞 valorant吧 帕秋莉灬诺蕾姬 为什么不能发GG,GGWP这不是,goodgame和goodgame wellplay的意思吗 以前玩别的游戏都是这样发的啊 有的人确实有些魔怔了 别人说个GG都以为是在嘲讽自己 1144115 steam吧 御坂弟弟🍭 咱整理了一下GMG的“人生必玩的50个游戏” 50 Games You Must ...
First person shooters and action games may have very limited narratives, whereas ‘sandpit’ games like Minecraft set players free to create a story in-line with their creations. Within the RPG genre, some RPGs are directly based on substantive works of fiction, such as Lord of the Rings On...
re about to buff themselves – but it won’t say how. In the case of these yobbos, I could tell when a thief was about to scarper by the little arrow icon above his head. That means I should kill him before the others. This is what I want from my RPGs. Help when prioritising ...
(老游戏新平台登录,暂不赘述。以下写到的PC平台 均登录 steam,大多已有预售或试玩) (1)精灵与橡木之歌(Oaken) 《精灵与橡木之歌(Oaken)》是一款画风唯美清新治愈的回合制策略卡牌RPG游戏。森林里的精灵们野性而优美,战斗依靠的不仅仅是卡牌的收集与升级,你需要在战场的格子间运筹帷幄,利用站位时刻保持视野优势,...
之前在吧里发过两个帖子说这游戏,如今全成就也有一段时间了,就按之前说的好好写个安利加测评吧 《神狱塔:断罪玛丽》——2016年发布于PSV平台,2018年移植至steam,是一款注重氛围塑造,剧情叙述,迷宫逃脱,人物养成的RPG类游戏。游戏出自于大家熟知的创造了《海王星》系列的地雷社之手,但不同于地雷社以往偏重于日常...