Showing your funny side to opponents will give you the edge over them. Here are some funny names for PSN to get you started: Cute Potato Butt_smasher Sneaky_fart I_boop_ur_nose Sold_mom_for_rp IPoopOnPeople Im_a Virgin Better_than_you Do_not_leave_me Noobmaster69 Kiss-my-axe Google...
DendiFace - A face made by players on the streaming service Twitch out of delight after winning a game or achieving an objective in multiplayer games they may be playing PimpinAintEasy - This phrase is often seen on Twitch chat from someone spamming emotes. It could be shown as “PIMPIN’ ...
【太美丽了,Aero】Windows8400 RP精简版+集成版 内噶 这个系统废了我两天精简(只会NTLite的屑),第一次精简在准备设备炸了,第二次在安装界面炸了,第三次同样,第四次成功精简,一路砍了六七次最后完成了成品,先上图 纯净版(压缩包900MB,镜像3GB) 集成版(压缩包1.4GB,镜像4.4GB) 因为我不是懂行的,所以集...