Netflix Set to a cute J-Pop soundtrack, this adorable 2021 comedy-drama romance film follows the relationship between a teen boy who best expresses himself through Haiku and a shy teen girl. The film was so popular that it inspired a manga adaptation that was published for almost two years...
A show that spawned countless catchphrases and running gags, How I Met Your Mother will be remembered for its nonlinear storytelling and its portrayals of romance and friendship. “It will also be remembered as one of the most misogynistic sitcoms on TV.” 9) Nine Pretty Great Lesbian ...
A thought-provoking movie that successfully fuses sci-fi with romance, the plot follows a group of scientists experimenting with how synthetic humans (robots) feel and love, and the result it can have on the people around them. Starring Ewan McGregor, Léa Seydoux and Rashida Jones, it’s a...
While not a new release, we recently watched this hit movie on Netflix and can confirm that it still holds up in the comedy stakes. The brilliant Leslie Mann (the flick also co-stars her daughter) and Paul Rudd play a married couple entering their forties juggling the trials and tribulat...
While not a new release, we recently watched this hit movie on Netflix and can confirm that it still holds up in the comedy stakes. The brilliant Leslie Mann (the flick also co-stars her daughter) and Paul Rudd play a married couple entering their forties juggling the trials and ...
Macy Gray Storms Off 'The Masked Singer UK' Set After Week 3 Elimination 1:33 '90 Day Fiancé' Tell-All: Niles Almost Loses It on Adnan During Heated Part 2 (Exclusive) 2:41 '90 Day Fiancé’ Trailer: See the New Couples and First Throuple! 11:19 Jinger Duggar on Becoming a Mom ...
Jane and Will are two people who are burnt out on love. So they’re not exactly looking forward to attending a wedding. But it might just be the best place for them to connect. As the ceremony continues, they find themselves connecting with one another, where a romance is born out of...
Stream it on Netflix. Rotten Tomatoes Also Read: Ram Charan Movies 6. Khoobsurat (2014) The movie that had Fawad Khan play a royal prince (and who better than him) and falling in love with the quirky Sonam Kapoor, this was Bollywood’s chick flick romance! Also, this...
Netflix ‘The build-up to Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a Sunday afternoon spent cosied up on the sofa with my family watching Klaus. This charming, quirky animation tells the story of how Father Christmas became Father Christmas. A heartwarming tale of the power of small acts of...
Released on 24 April 2009 in the UK courtesy of Metrodome Distribution. Shifty received a BAFTA nomination for the Carl Foreman Award (Best Debut) in 2010 and 5 Bifa nominations in 2008Freestyle (2009) a teen romance based around the world of freestyle basketball, directed by Kolton Lee ...